Changing A Company's Organizational Culture to Conform to A Desired Organizational Culture following the Rules for Changing the Culture of Government Agencies State


  • Jirakit Arunsawas Institute of Public Administration and Public Policy, Rangsit University
  • Chanida Jittaruttha Institute of Public Administration and Public Policy, Rangsit University


Changing, Organizational Culture, Government Sector


This study has the objective of studying different personal factors and job characteristics factors. Types of organizational culture Perceived and desired organizational culture characteristics and guidelines for changing the organizational culture of employees of the Central Car Accident Victims Protection Company Limited, which affects their perception of organizational culture This study has explanatory power in terms of the type and characteristics of the existing organizational culture and the desired organizational culture of the organization as perceived by employees. which leads to organizational culture The study chose to use a mixed methods research method. Qualitative research The research gives importance to interpretation. Through a detailed analysis and interpretation process by the researcher. The semi-structured in-depth interview method was chosen for 16 people and the quantitative research method for data collection was by questionnaire, selecting a random sample number to be consistent with the total sample. The total number of study samples from the questionnaires was 63. The results of the study found that The organizational culture has a hierarchical culture. It was also found that employees of the Central Car Accident Victim Protection Company Limited have an adaptive perception of the organizational culture. which is in a positive direction The organization has adapted by adapting technology to suit the work. Organizational culture in the perception of employees of Central Car Accident Victims Protection Company Limited. There is a perception of the organizational culture of the company as it is. In a hierarchical culture and in addition, the existing perception of the company's employees The Central Car Accident Victim Protection Center limits the kinship culture, which is the perception of a culture of values and a hierarchical culture. which is perception Culture which is the base of beliefs and beliefs Desirable organizational culture of Central Car Accident Protection Company Limited in the perception of employees.


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How to Cite

Arunsawas จ., & Jittaruttha ช. . (2024). Changing A Company’s Organizational Culture to Conform to A Desired Organizational Culture following the Rules for Changing the Culture of Government Agencies State. Journal of Public Administration and Social Management, 6(1), 49–65. Retrieved from



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