Factors of Providing Service Influence to Expectations of People


  • Pitsarn Phanwattana สำนักงานตำรวจแห่งชาติ


Providing Service, Expectations, Participation of people


The purposes of this research were to study 1) People expectations and satisfaction of public service of the metropolitan police 4. 2) Metropolitan police service 4 had influence with citizens' expectations. This study was conducted by applying 2 research methodologies. Quantitative approach, questionnaire was used to collect data from 240 of. The data was analyzed using path analysis. Qualitative approach focus group, field notes was conducted with 12 people. The results indicated to answer that       1) Most of people had high expectations for the services of the Metropolitan Police 4, providing the most   continuous service, next order on time service, progressive service, ample service and equally services last order. Satisfaction in all 5 factors found that most people had most satisfied with continuous service that consists of use the same service standards, willingness to serve, service availability and fast and accurate. 2) Progressive service had the most direct, indirect and total influences with people's expectations.


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How to Cite

Phanwattana พ. (2024). Factors of Providing Service Influence to Expectations of People. Journal of Public Administration and Social Management, 6(1), 30–48. Retrieved from http://www.ssrujournal.com/index.php/jpasm/article/view/301



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